Blog for Employers

  • The value of psychometric testing
    The use of psychometric testing in job interviews throughout the world has enabled employers to select candidates based on much more than just credentials. The benefits of psychometric testing are effective when you are looking to nurture a powerhouse workforce that fits the bill in more ways than...
  • The Rise of the Gig Economy: The benefits of a short-term workforce.
    Economic unrest over the last two years has forced a relook at hiring and new work trends have begun to emerge. At the forefront is a marked rise in short term contracts and freelance jobs, otherwise known as the gig economy. With new technological developments and an increased demand for...
  • 5 Reasons to look for short courses on a CV
    Education is one of the most important considerations when hiring your next star employee. With the rise of online learning, the value of short courses should not be overlooked. Short courses on a CV can tell you more about a candidate than you might think. For instance, the number of courses can...
  • Hire to Scale Your Business. Fast.
    Growth is impossible without hiring good people. Attracting and hiring the right people at all levels of the company is critical to scaling your business. If we’ve learnt anything over the last few years it’s that companies need to be agile in order to survive and thrive. It’s difficult to predict...
  • Using Game-Thinking to Innovate Learning Experiences
    We are navigating a new workplace and era. It is estimated that one of the most in-demand skills will be the ability to learn. It is therefore obvious that the role of learning designer will be elevated in preparing and supporting the work-force. An exciting time offering many opportunities. It...
  • What is a POPIA Deputy Information Officer
    The Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) came into effect on 1 July 2020 with a grace period of one year. The grace period ends as of 1 July 2021, and the reality of the implications of non-compliance is causing many companies to have to respond quickly and get their processing of...
  • Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA) - An Employer’s Perspective
    Purposes of the Act The Protection of Personal Information Act of 2013 (POPIA) follows the example of similar, quite onerous legislation in the European Union aimed at protecting individuals’ right to privacy. More specifically, the Act aims to give effect to the right to privacy as provided for in...
  • HEREWITH A BRIEF LEGAL SUMMARY TO UNDERSTAND YOUR RIGHTS AND THE LEGAL POSITION WHEN YOUR EMPLOYEE RESIGNS: The court clarified that a resignation involves two separate elements. The unilateral act of resignation; and The requirement to give notice. In other words, an employee decides to resign...
  • Covid-19 vaccinations in the workplace
    It is of the highest priority for any employer to provide a safe working environment for their employees. This includes keeping them safe from Covid-19. Now that the Covid-19 vaccine is being rolled-out, the question arises to which extent can an employer use the vaccine to ensure the safety of all...
  • EdTech: Digital transformation takes the education sector by storm
    Over recent years, the education sector has seen a radical shift towards a more immersive, interactive and collaborative learning approach due to the introduction of instructional tools such as gamification and augmented, virtual or mixed reality experiential learning. Digital transformation in...