15 Ways to Succeed as a Remote Employee: Tips for Success in South Africa

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15 Ways to Succeed as a Remote Employee: Tips for Success in South Africa

Since RecruitMyMom launched in 2012, remote and hybrid working has increased in many industries, offering flexibility and convenience to employees and independent contractors. Adopting habits and strategies that ensure productivity, reliability, and effective communication is essential to succeeding as a remote employee. Here are 15 tips to help you succeed as a remote employee, with special considerations for South Africa.


1. Create a Dedicated Workspace. 

Creating a specific work area helps you stay organised and focused. Ensure your workspace is comfortable, quiet, and free from distractions. This will help you maintain a professional mindset and increase productivity. For working parents, having a dedicated separate workspace lets you establish boundaries with your children regarding interruptions while at work. Having a dedicated workspace helps you switch off from work when needed. 


2. Invest in Reliable Technology. 

Everyone knows how frustrating it is to converse with someone with an unstable connection. A stable internet connection is crucial for seamless communication and efficient work. Invest in a fast, reliable fibre internet line to satisfy your employer, clients and colleagues. Ask for feedback on the quality of your connection. 


3. Maintain Regular Working Hours. 

Stick to a consistent work schedule to create a routine and build trust with your employer. Ensure you are contactable during office hours and promptly communicate any changes in availability. This reliability fosters collaboration and trust and demonstrates your commitment to the job. A consistent work schedule assists everyone in your circle, family, friends, children, and colleagues, better manage their expectations of you. 


4. Set Clear Goals and Prioritise Tasks

Work with your manager to set clear, achievable goals. Prioritise and communicate your tasks daily to ensure you meet deadlines and deliver business-impacting results. Use time management tools like digital task managers to keep track of your tasks and responsibilities.


5. Communicate Proactively

Effective communication is critical in a remote work environment. Regularly update your team on your achievements, progress and any potential issues. Use various communication tools such as email, instant messaging, and video calls to stay connected and ensure everyone is on the same page. Over-communicate to demonstrate your output without being annoying. 


6. Be Disciplined and Self-Motivated

Remote work requires a high level of discipline. Set personal goals and celebrate small achievements with your team to stay motivated. Avoid constant distractions by turning off non-work messenger notifications using apps that block social media or other time-wasting websites during work hours. When you are on a video meeting, close all other tabs so that you can be present and available. 


7. Deliver Measurable Results

Set key performance measures (KPMs) for your tasks with your manager to ensure measurable productivity. Track your work and report your progress to your employer. This transparency helps build trust and demonstrates your efficiency and reliability. Do not see productivity measurement as micromanaging; see it as a way to take off the pressure of demonstrating your productivity while building trust with your employer. Discuss unhealthy micromanagement with your boss. 


8. Enhance Your Skills Continuously

Take advantage of online courses and training programs to improve your skills. Staying updated with industry trends and acquiring new knowledge can make you more valuable to your employer and help you advance in your career. Life-long learning is essential to today's ever-changing work environment.  The only constant is change, and self-development keeps you relevant. 


9. Keep a Professional Attitude

Even though you work from home, maintaining a professional demeanour is essential. Dress appropriately for video calls, and be punctual to start work and arrive for virtual meetings. A professional attitude enhances your credibility and respects your colleagues and clients.


10. Build Strong Relationships

Be proactive in fostering strong relationships and connections with your team by engaging in relationship-building virtual coffee breaks or team-building activities. Building rapport with colleagues helps create a supportive work environment and enhances your mental well-being. Connections will ensure you do not feel isolated while working remotely. 


11. Be Organised professionally and privately

Use digital tools to plan, collaborate, communicate, organise, and manage projects efficiently. Tools like Airtable, Trello, Asana, or Google can help you and your colleagues keep track of tasks, deadlines, and team collaboration, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Make sure to organise child care well in advance and have an emergency backup in case of illness, school holidays, or other unforeseen days when your child needs care. If required, use your family responsibility leave or annual leave to take care of your child. 


12. Ensure Work-Life Balance

Remote work can blur the lines between personal and professional life. Set boundaries and goals to avoid burnout. Engage in physical exercise before or after work. Take breaks to eat healthy food. Log off at a reasonable hour to enjoy personal time with your family and friends and recharge.


13. Be Adaptable and Open to Feedback

The remote work landscape is constantly evolving. Be open to new tools and processes that can enhance your productivity. Additionally, welcome feedback from your employer and colleagues to improve your performance and adapt to changing expectations.


14. Utilise Reliable Power Backup Solutions

In South Africa, load-shedding can disrupt your work. Invest in backup solutions like a UPS, inverter, or generator to keep your devices running should a power outage occur. This ensures your manager can see that you remain productive and are reliable, even during unforeseen power cuts. 

If you do not have power backup, have a plan that enables you to move very quickly to somewhere with power and internet coverage. Keep in mind that you only use internet services that are secure so as not to be a security risk to your employer. 


15. Showcase Your Achievements

Regularly update your employer on your impact, accomplishments and contributions. Use metrics and data to highlight your achievements and demonstrate how you've added value to the team and business. This builds trust and positions you as a critical asset to the organisation.


Implementing these tips will build trust with your employer as a remote employee. Be intentional about delivering consistent business-impacting results and building strong professional relationships. Your proactive approach and commitment to excellence will make you an invaluable asset to any employer, particularly in the dynamic South African work environment. Value the opportunity to work remotely, guard the benefit carefully and work with your employer to ensure it remains a win-win career opportunity.  
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