Hire remote workers in South Africa from RecruitMyMom

Hire remote workers in South Africa from RecruitMyMom

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If you want to grow your business and hire remote English speaking workers, why not consider using RecruitMyMom in South Africa? A country with excellent colleges, universities and English as the primary language of business. RecruitMyMom is a trusted, award-winning recruitment company with over ten years in local and global experience finding talented remote and in-office staffing.

Here are some reasons to consider hiring remote workers in South Africa from us:

It’s Cost-effective

Hiring remote workers from South Africa can save you up to 60% of your wage bill as the cost of living in South Africa is lower than in many other developed countries. As a result, you can hire highly skilled professionals at a fraction of the cost.


South Africa’s Time-zone compatibility GMT+2

South Africa is compatible with many other countries, making it easy to collaborate and communicate with your remote team in real-time. This business-friendly time zone can be especially beneficial if your company has clients or partners in different time zones. Our remote workers work for clients in Europe, Australia, USA.


Hire vetted independent contractors and freelancers

RecruitMyMom enables you to hire independent contractors and freelancers. Our team vet our contractors, and many have worked for our clients. The advantages of hiring independent contractors and freelancers are numerous including cost savings, fast access to high calibre skills and the ability to scale up and down as you need the skill.


Lower your hiring risk

If you like working with an independent contractor and want to hire them full-time on a permanent basis but do not have a South African entity, we offer an employer of record service. You lower your hiring risk by trying out a candidate before employing them.


Increase your diversity quotient

Do you need to address diversity in your organisation? We specialise in diverse candidates, with over 95% of our candidate base being women. This database has many candidates of varying ethnic backgrounds, including mixed race, Black, Coloured, Indian and Caucasian.

South Africa has a diverse talent pool of well-educated, experienced, and fluent professionals who speak English as a first language, mainly with a neutral accent. You can find the right talent for your business needs, whether you need finance, bookkeepers, sales staff, customer support, web developers, graphic designers, digital marketing skills, virtual assistants, or any other skillset.


Our candidates prefer remote work arrangements

Hiring remote workers from South Africa through RecruitMyMom allows you to work with professionals who prefer working from home and are familiar with this work arrangement. Our mothers take their careers seriously and seek out flexibility in the workplace. They want to work from home. As an employer, you can enjoy the benefits of this reliable remote workforce while we manage the payments on your behalf.


South Africans are friendly

South Africans are worth hiring. They are friendly, humble and known for their hard work. They may have a quirky sense of humour, but their resilience and can-do attitude makes them an asset to any employer.


Social responsibility

By hiring remote workers from RecruitMyMom, you support economic growth and social responsibility in South Africa. You're also contributing to women's empowerment as RecruitMyMom focuses on connecting highly skilled and experienced women professionals with remote work opportunities locally and globally.


Hiring remote workers from South Africa through RecruitMyMom is cost saving, and allows you to tap into a diverse workforce and talented professionals for your business who are fluent in English and compatible with many different time zones. It's a win-win situation that benefits your business and the women of South Africa. And yes, we do have many men too.

Do you want to know more? Contact Us

Learn more about hiring remote Independent Contractors and Virtual Assistants from South Africa.