Submitted by Phillipa on Thu, 2013-05-09 14:16
Fees & Service Level details explained
Simply pay upon successful placement, that's it!
Choose from over 150 different skills.
Job Type
Fee Structure excluding VAT
Permanent appointment
Appointments are made for an indefinite period.
14% Annual Cost to Company, with a 3-month warranty.
Fixed Term Contracts
Contracts for a fixed duration of time or outcome. e.g. Temps, maternity cover, sick leave cover, projects
17% The fee is charged for the duration of the length of the contract.
Independent Contractors & Freelancers
Consultants (HR, Accounts, Compliance etc), freelancers, gig workers, working contractually on projects.
The charge-out rate is agreed with the client upfront and based on the level of experience, length and skill required for the project.
Remote Workforce
Remote workers based out of South Africa - Perm or Contract
Arrange a call to discuss your needs. Contact Us |
Virtual Assistants
Remote based Assistants that do the work you shouldn't.
The charge-out rate is agreed with the client upfront and based on the level of experience, length and skill required. |
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