RecruitMyMom Blog
Blog Articles
25 Jul 2023Isn't it amazing how much working moms can accomplish in a day? While juggling work and personal commitments, we have the opportunity to make each moment count with our family while achieving success at work. As working moms, we are constantly learning and growing, embracing the beautiful...
19 Jul 2023The gig economy has become a major disruptor of the traditional employment environment, changing how companies conduct business. The phrase "gig economy" describes a labour market where short-term contracts or freelance work are becoming more common than long-term permanent employment. Sixty...
19 Jul 2023Pre-Covid, the majority of employees were in-office. During Covid, employees scurried to work remotely. Post-Covid introduced the hybrid working approach. Now that we are well into 2023, businesses are welcoming employees back into the office with a more flexible approach. Tech tools has made this...
10 Jul 2023Welcoming a new addition to your family is an incredibly exciting and joyous time. But for many working moms-to-be, the thought of juggling pregnancy, maternity leave, and their career can be overwhelming. How do you navigate this delicate balancing act while still ensuring your success in the...
10 Jul 2023Integrating work and life can be a challenge for anyone, and working moms often face unique circumstances and responsibilities. Being a working mom is tough. Working mothers have to undertake the difficult challenge of being fully engaged with both work and family. Being seen as being less than...
26 Jun 2023Of all the lessons you should learn in your career, the ability to network strategically is one of the most important. Given the integral role networking plays in careers and general life, it is underutilised among women. Although women are typically seen as more "social" than men overall,...
26 Jun 2023Confidence comes from being prepared. Well done you have secured an interview! You took the time and effort to create a well-presented CV, and now your skills, experience and work history have paid off. Of course, most of us hope to shine in an interview, sometimes feeling a mixture of emotions...
19 Jun 2023Given the particular difficulties working moms encounter, the path toward creating a truly diverse, equitable, and inclusive workforce bears special significance. It can be difficult to juggle family obligations with professional goals. Hurdles Faced by Working Moms Working mothers face...
19 Jun 2023Traditionally, employee benefits were medical aid and pension fund contributions. Covid-19 showed the world that productive work can be done from anywhere, and this has evolved as people’s needs and the work landscape have changed. Now that flexible working is fast becoming the norm around the...
12 Jun 2023Many mothers have welcomed the flexible remote working option as a way to manage their personal and professional lives. It allows women to carry on with their professional careers while still managing a family. Designing a productive home office space is essential for maximising productivity and...