Hiring graduates in these uncertain times can seem like a daunting thought. Particularly when your company does not have a fully-fledged graduate programme like large corporates. However, as a business owner, you know that it is only those who dare to be brave and step out to take a risk that are likely to succeed. So that's why it's essential to know why hiring graduates can help your business grow. Here are only a few of many reasons why you should hire graduates in these times:
Proven return on investment
Graduates cost to the company is more than non-graduates, however, research shows that their contribution to profit is considerably larger than that of non-graduates. Besides, graduates are no longer as expensive as they used to be.
New skills
New degrees and college courses are being created at universities and colleges annually. Skills are morphing and adapting at a rapid pace to keep up with the demand of robotics, data analytics, AI and more. Graduates are an immediate source of these skills and can keep your business from falling behind.
Quick learning
Graduates are generally fast learners especially when it comes to the use of new technologies and business solutions. They have an affinity with technology and a 'can-do' attitude that many older generations lack when dealing with technology.
Higher malleability
Most business owners who seek qualified labour force put a significant emphasis on work experience. However, graduates have several advantages over their experienced colleagues and higher malleability one of their main advantages. They do not have any former work patterns engraved into them, which is why they adapt to their workplace a lot easier than their older colleagues who may need more time to fit the culture.
Fresh ideas and solutions
Graduates are an excellent source of new ideas and solutions, which is the driving force of most businesses. They may need some time to adapt to the way of working within a particular company, but once they have settled in graduates can be tapped for fresh ideas and solutions.
Good business skills
Graduates have better business acumen in comparison to non-graduates. In a country where language plays such a crucial role in business communication, graduates tend to have better developed verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and robust data analysis and problem-solving abilities.
Secure the future
As a business owner, you can secure the future economy and longevity of your business by helping the future leaders of this nation gain good business skills and obtain growth opportunities. The government has put several tax and other incentives in place to encourage youth employment in South Africa. Read SA Government Youth Employment Incentives Explained.
It is clear that hiring a graduate can be a smart business move even if the times are uncertain. That said, the recruiting process in finding the right graduate can be particularly cumbersome in an economy with such high unemployment and relative desperation amongst the youth. Using a recruitment service like RecruitAGraduate helps take the pain out of the process by allowing skilled graduate recruiters to sift through the applications and conduct first-round interviews, presenting business owners with a short list of top candidates.
The original article was published on RecruitAGraduate, view it here.