There are many factors that have contributed to the work climate we see in 2022 and are projecting beyond. The jobs in demand for this decade are unique to how they have been in the past.
Technology isn’t slowing down and the pandemic certainly put a spring in its step. It has also become the solution to survival for many companies around the world. Teams have come together through online team building, Zoom meetings, digital project management tools and much more, like never before. The catalyst of this may have been for the purpose of survival, but it has been the biggest contribution to what we are starting to call the ‘new normal’.
Why is it important to know what jobs are in-demand?
As a career person it is essential to remain as in the loop as possible so that you know what is coming. As a job-seeker, it’s a key element to your search. As an employer, understanding how to bridge the gap between top talent and in-house company needs is essential.
Another factor to consider is that if times have already changed so much, and the job market is already miles away from where it used to be, where are we heading? Technology isn’t slowing down and there’s reason to believe AI will start to creep in more and more.
We chatted to our Recruitment Managers about the in-demand jobs of the decade and what the hottest roles are at the start of 2022. Take a look below.
Virtual assistants, personal assistants and bookkeepers
The rise of virtual and administrative support is only increasing. With more technology, comes the need for more hands on deck. We are watching CEOs juggle much more, which means there’s a need for the role of personal assistants and virtual assistants as well. They are incredibly valuable to companies and don’t always require office-based personnel. The role of VAs and PAs is popular due to their flexible and hybrid nature as well as soft skills required.
All things PR, SEO, marketing, digital content and communications
The role of the marketer has become extremely important and multi-faceted. No longer is there just one person in office who understands the importance of leveraging the latest marketing tactics to reach KPIS. We are seeing an increase in demand for these roles constantly from every type of company. If this is something you’re interested in, now may be the tipping point and the perfect timing for you to sharpen your skills and get involved.
Jobs in technology
Since Facebook announced the birth of the ‘Metaverse’ and even before, there have been a lot of tech-related positions opening up around the world. Companies are needing to hop onto the virtual bandwagon in their systems, processes and teams which means they will be looking for experts in technology. Gaining tech skills can certainly boost your career.
Graphic designers, website designers
The role of a graphic and a web designer is very closely linked with the marketing team. A focus on marketing has never been more appropriate. We are seeing and will see an increase in the need for graphic and web designers and developers within this new decade. Who knows how these roles will evolve over time.
Website, application developers and software engineers
Websites are turning into website applications to allow for more interactivity with target audiences. Companies are specifically hiring engineers for their research and development departments because of the way they are trained to think at University level. Jobs in software and app development are taking the cake in this decade.
Sales representatives and business development managers
In an entrepreneurial economy the role of sales representatives is becoming almost an essential service to some companies. Business development managers take care of maintaining positive growth in companies which means the need is arising. New products are being developed, and the need to get the message across to increase sales matters greatly. Coupled with the increase in marketing roles, we see that sales representative jobs are also up and coming, more so than before.
Are you looking for a change in career, or perhaps a new opportunity to be part of the in-demand jobs of this decade. There are many available jobs on the RecruitMyMom current jobs tab on our website, go take a look, you might be surprised!
Ready to apply for the job of your dreams? Register on our award-winning recruitment site and fill in your detailed CV. When applying for positions, you will be given the opportunity to compose your perfect motivational cover letter for prospective employers.
Written by the RecruitMyMom editorial team.