They say it takes a village to raise a child, well, in this case it’s taking a village to write this article on what we love about being a South African supermom. At RecruitMyMom, we love a #FeelGood story and to throw a light, fun piece of literature into our blog every now and again.
Our team shares many (virtual) laughs while simultaneously taking ownership of our momhood and doing our best professionally too. In this blog we share some of the things we love about being a South African supermom. Let us know if you feel the #gees?
Organising braais
Organising a braai is one of the best ways to bring family and friends together, while sharing some of the work/ cooking load. A good ‘bring and braai’ is enough to get almost any South African's mouth watering!
Kids get boerewors rolls for lunch
Boerewors is possibly the top braaied food in this rainbow nation. It cooks fast, is easy to serve as a snack or a quick protein to fill a hungry belly or two. One of the best lunches for kids on a busy day is a boerie roll!
Camping in the bush
Those who go camping with their kids deserve a medal. In South Africa, we are surrounded by the most stunning safari opportunities and camping spots dotted all over the map. As supermoms we have to think about everything from packing in undies for everyone in the family to the amount of shampoo and sunlight dishwash soap that will be needed. Not to mention keeping the milk fresh on the trip and cheese and tomato sarmies for the road. Camping in the bush is a top activity enjoyed by many.
The art of buying a few extra minutes using ‘now now’ and ‘just now’
What is wonderful about the phrases ‘now now’ and ‘just now’ is that they are completely open-ended. Which means that, as a mom, you could buy yourself an extra 45 minutes before getting something done. It could also be 5 or even 10 minutes, but who knows? Kids hang tight, hubby holds on and you can take as long as you like.
Tea time (with Rooibos tea)
We might have pinched this from those in the United Kingdom, but tea time is common in South African households. Many of us enjoy a quick koek en Rooibos tee at about 10am or 4pm. It’s that mid-morning or mid-afternoon pick me up that Saffers tend to love.
Biltong, Marmite, Mrs Ball’s chutney and Ouma’s rusks
How many times a day do your kids come to you looking for a snack? Where would we be without the comforts of the South African snack trade - Ouma rusks in the morning, Mrs Ball’s chutney in a good bunny chow, Marmite sarmies and of course biltong. These are a few of our favourite things only found in SA.
One of our Moms used biltong when her little ones were teething, she says it worked like a charm and kept them busy for quite a while.
Load shedding shenanigans
Although load shedding is a challenge at the best of times, families with kids find ways to make the most out of the sometimes spontaneous lights out in SA. Building a blanket fort in the lounge with campaign lights during load shedding never disappoints.
Nannies and grannies who teach us
We are honoured enough to have access to nannies and grannies at home in our neighbourhoods who teach us how to carry our babies, who cook for us and do their bit to ensure we can focus on our careers while integrating work and life. The nannies and grannies of South Africa carry a special and unique warmth about them. Let’s just say, the SA supermom would not be the same without her helper, mom, granny, nanny or extra set of helping hands.
The beauty of ‘Ubuntu’
One thing that is unique to SA supermoms is the overwhelming sense of community found and embraced in the heart of ‘Ubuntu.’ A term we, as South Africans are proud of across culture, race, age, gender and everything in between.
We love how there is a general care and compassion for one another. We help others out when there is a need. The willingness to share, donate and give to others in need is a huge part of what we call home. Please share with us what you love about being a proudly South African supermom, we would love to hear from you.