Who pays me for jobs I get via RecruitMyMom?

The employer will provide you with a Labour Relations Act of South Africa-compliant employment contract for permanent and fixed-duration jobs. Do not start working without a signed contract in place. The employer will pay your salary as an employee of the company. 

For independent contracting jobs such as freelancers and consultants, RecruitMyMom bills the client, including our fee, and follows up on receiving payment. RecruitMyMom pays all Independent Contractors by the end of the month, provided the money has cleared in the RecruitMyMom bank account. 

The advantage of being a RecruitMyMom independent contractor is that we build a trusting relationship with you and will continue to use your skills for several clients over the years. In addition, you do not have to follow up on the payment for work done; we do that on your behalf. 

